

Naba Tabuk is located in the Tabuk region, northwest of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which receives special attention from the government of Saudi Arabia because of its location near giant national projects, which are being implemented in the vision of the Kingdom 2030(such as NEOM, Oxagon, Red Sea, Amaala and Prince Mohammed bin Salman Reserve ).
Snow falls in winter for a period ranging from two to three months, which contributes to additional feeding to the  groundwater of from which we pack and present the best natural gift for the most important element of life "drinking water".

Naba was established in 1998 as a sole proprietorship by Mr. Fouad Muhammad Abdullah Al ghorayed, who seized the opportunity when more than 700,000 citizens needed to fetch bottled water from outside the Tabuk region at a distance of no less than 1,000 km.

The management has worked hard  to develop the factory and equip it with the latest technologies and the best production lines in the world, and it has  expanded  and developed three times with the support of the Saudi Industrial Fund (SFID) and private banks, and the company’s management has always been committed to applying the highest standards of quality and  food  safety. 

Our bottled water is filled with the latest technology of  fully automated German production lines and without human intervention.

So you hand is the first human hand that touches the water.